Exploring the Further Reaches of Internal Family Systems and Far Beyond

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Trigger Warnings: Sexual abuse, animal abuse, and suicidality – Available on YouTube.

Robert Falconer teaches an introduction to IFS for the Pojoaque Pueblo in New Mexico – April 2023. Also includes a discussion about the others within us, AKA unattached burdens, spirit possession, and more. Bob has taught IFS extensively online and in person around the world. He has also been on the staff of over 20 official IFS institute trainings. Bob has been actively involved with psychedelics since 1967 and continues to view them as a powerful pathway.

Bob has published three books related to IFS: Many Minds, One Self, co-authored with Richard C. Schwartz – the founder of IFS, The Others Within Us, and When Going Through Hell …Keep Going.

Without connection to some spiritual realities, our ability to heal will be limited. Unless our work is based on strong and ongoing psychotherapeutic recovery, spirituality can be ungrounded and even damaging. These two worlds need each other and they have great gifts for each other.

It has taken me a lifetime of study and practice to come to the place where I believe I have things of value to say about how this marriage can occur.

New Thinking Allowed is the YouTube channel of Jeffrey Mishlove, and I’m honored to be a returning guest on his show.

In this live stream, we take a deep dive into what is traditionally called Spirit Possession, and I discuss my views as well as historical perspectives. I also talk about ways of dealing with these phenomena.

A Book Likely to Change Your Life

[…] It’s shown me how to control all this internal noise and suffering–how to be my own therapist. I’m an old man now and had begun to think there wasn’t much more I could learn from life on earth, but I was thrillingly wrong. Within days of finishing this wonderful book, I have already gained control over my mind in ways I never suspected–and my wife has noticed!

Amazon Review – The Others Within Us:

Internal Family Systems, Porous Mind, & Spirit Possession


Robert Falconer

IFS Consultant - Teacher and Author

After a long career using many therapeutic modalities, for more than a decade, Bob has devoted his practice exclusively to Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy.

He has completed all the levels of training and he continues to study with many of the senior IFS trainers. Bob has assisted at almost 20 official trainings and he has assisted Richard Schwartz many times in addition to co-authoring a book with him, Many Minds, One Self.  He has also helped to train more than a thousand people in IFS.

For more than a decade Bob devoted himself to the research and writing of his book The Others Within Us. Bob’s focus is now on facilitating consulting groups, and he will soon return to teaching online workshops with various organizations around the world. See the Workshops page to learn more about offerings he will facilitate in the future and any available recorded workshops.

Read more…

Robert Falconer - Author of The Others Within Us: Internal Family Systems, Porous Mind, and Spirit Possession

One of the best works I’ve ever read, as a therapist

This is a book that I didn’t expect to change my entire view on healing, but, it did. Just read it with an open mind. It’s enthralling, convincing, deeply respectful, intelligent, and usable.


Amazon Review – The Others Within Us:

Internal Family Systems, Porous Mind, & Spirit Possession


Paperback & eBook

Sparked by an Internal Family Systems (IFS) client’s lifelong affliction with an unattached burden – something in her mind that was not part of her – Bob Falconer began a decade-long study of the others within us, how they’re viewed in various traditions, and how to work with them in IFS.


The journey of researching and writing this book took Bob to the farther reaches of human experience.

What Bob shares about the others within us, and their history worldwide, reveals insights and understandings that can’t help but cause the reader to expand their beliefs about the nature of mind and healing.

Paperback & eBook

We cannot heal deeply unless we find some spiritual basis for our lives. These quotes have enabled Bob to form a bridge between trauma and psychotherapy and spiritual healing and a sense of meaning.

The quotes in this book are the harvest of more than half a century spent studying and working at the boundary of spirituality and psychotherapy.

The Complete Course

The Others Within Us:

Unattached Burdens & Guides in IFS Therapy

New – Spanish Audio Option

The Others Within Us: The course

Learn how to work with other energies, that Richard Schwartz calls Unattached Burdens in this 4-Part workshop

– 14 Hours in total.

As we go deeper in IFS we can encounter what I call the others within us, unattached burdens and guides. These are the focus of this course, and they lead us to replace the old myth that our minds are private citadels with the realization that mind is porous.

This workshop series includes:

  • All-time access to the workshop recordings – no time limits
  • Pre-recorded demo sessions
  • Q&A sessions
  • Certificate of Completion.
  • All videos also available with Spanish audio option
Please note the seller of this workshop is a British company registered for VAT in the United Kingdom and Poland.

I have known Bob more than 15 years and during that time I don’t know of anyone else who has been to more of my workshops as a participant or assistant, or has done more work on him or herself. As a result, he knows IFS intimately and deeply and is a strong teacher.

Also, the book we co-wrote, Many Minds, One Self, wouldn’t exist without his dedication to exploring everything related to IFS.

Richard Schwartz PhD

Creator of IFS

Robert Falconer has been my trusted friend & colleague within the IFS community, for many years. He is a scholar of tremendous wisdom and compassion.

Bob’s bold and ceaseless dedication to probing the depths of spiritual connection, as well as his comfort and facility with helping others connect deeply to the compassionate energy at their core and beyond, has brought healing to so many and has helped numerous IFS practitioners elevate their practice. 

Alexia D. Rothman PhD

IFS Therapist & Educator

I feel very fortunate to have worked with Bob Falconer in a number of IFS trainings.

Bob brings such clarity and heart to this work and as a model for his commitment to working with his own parts.

Whether sharing a wealth of knowledge through his writing and teaching or supervising others, learning from and with Bob is always a gift.

Paul Ginter EdD

IFS Lead Trainer

What is IFS

Internal family Systems therapy was developed by Richard Schwartz about 40 years ago, as a method of psychotherapy. It’s based on the understanding that our minds are modular, we are multiple in very significant ways. Much of what has been labeled as psychopathology can more usefully be viewed as an internal Civil War.

The healing path in IFS is not the elimination or fusion of parts but rather getting them to cooperate like an orchestra or a jazz band or a team. In addition to all these parts, Dick discovered that we have a Self; something within us that is the real center of who we are. This Self cannot be damaged, and it can provide leadership to even the most traumatized systems.

From this relatively simple basic understanding, a process has evolved that is revolutionary in its methods. IFS for many people, me included, has become more than a method; it provides a powerful orientation to internal reality and can become an important practice as a part of a spiritual path.


“The original, shimmering self gets buried so deep that most of us end up hardly living out of it at all.


Instead, we live out of all the other selves, which we are constantly putting on and taking off like coats and hats against the world’s weather.”

-Frederick Buechner

Work with Bob

Bob’s two major areas of interest are training people from all walks of life in IFS and the links between spirituality and healing.

He offers small and large consultation groups, and joint consultation meetings with a therapist and their client. Bob also offers some workshops – see the Teaching page for details.