Demonstration of clearing a UB

I recently worked to clear an unattached burden with Robyn Dickson, one of the senior staff at IFSCA, who kindly allowed our session to be recorded and made available for public viewing.

My gratitude to Robyn for being willing to make it available, and to Derek Scott for his help with recording this.

Many people find this work to be very disturbing. In order to view the session you will be asked to sign a waiver before the full video will be shown. Directions are in the linked video on how to easily get access to the session.

“I have worked with Bob many times in IFS level one trainings and he is very skilled and experienced at introducing the model. Also, Bob is the first person I think of when it comes to dealing with unattached burdens. He teaches about this with exquisite clarity. With a client of ours, I was privileged to witness his fearless confidence and skill in working with these and in sorting them out from a complex protective system.”

Mary Duparri. MA, LPC IFS assistant trainer.