Workshops and Recordings Available

New events are listed here as they are scheduled. Subscribe below to be notified of offerings that are of particular interest to you.

Friday, May 24: 10 AM – 1:30 PM PDT

The Proposed Marriage

of NVC & IFS

With Steve Roof & Robert Falconer

We are excited about the potential for a fruitful marriage between Non-Violent Communication (NVC) & IFS.

We will examine ways that these models are complementary, and where they can each offer new perspectives.

We’ll begin with brief introductions to NVC and IFS, and discuss NVC’s ‘needs consciousness’ and how this relates to the IFS concept of Self and unblending. We’ll also explore the question of what makes each of these modalities work, and how these methods can effectively work with each other.

This workshop will be recorded and available to registered participants to view for 30 days after the event.

Saturdays: April 20th – May 11th

12 – 2pm PDT

4 Consecutive Saturdays

IFS-Based Psychedelic Trip-sitting

Ft. Robert Falconer

Learn the art of psychedelic trip sitting through the revolutionary IFS framework.

This series is aimed at beginners in IFS and is specifically focused on the use of IFS in psychedelic work.

Participants will find this a good primer on basic ways of working with psychedelic healing from an IFS perspective.

Cost: (USD $) $350

This training series is open to everyone!
Image of Robert Falconer IFS Teacher, Consultant, Guide - for LAMPS

“I have known Bob about 10 years and during that time I don’t know of anyone else who has been to more of my workshops as a participant or assistant or has done more work on him or herself. As a result, he knows IFS intimately and deeply and is a strong teacher.

“Also, the book we co-wrote, Many Minds, One Self, wouldn’t exist without his dedication to exploring everything related to IFS.”

Richard Schwartz PhD – Creator of Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy

IFS and Addictions

4-part Workshop – 14 hours of Recordings

The Others Within Us

Unattached Burdens & Guides in IFS Therapy


This recorded 4-part series explores the farther reaches of IFS:

  • Unattached burdens
  • Guides (These are all Beings who are not Self and not parts.)

The workshop introduce participants to the spiritual implications of the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model.

These subjects do not fit in the modern materialist paradigm, and attempts to deal with them are often met with mockery and derision. But they are real, they do occur and they cause human suffering and human joy.

We start with radical pragmatism. How do we best deal with these phenomena when they occur in clients or in ourselves?  What works? What helps?  These are our most basic concerns. We then place these phenomena in historical and cross-cultural perspectives, and we examine some possible theoretical understandings.

My book about this (released April 2, 2023) The Others Within Us: Internal Family Systems, Porous Mind, and Spirit Possession, is available on Amazon and good booksellers.

IFS and Psychedelics - Teachers

11+ Hours of Recordings – 3 full Workshops


IFS & Psychedelics

A recording of the series of 3 IFS online workshops. By purchasing this series, you get access to the Life Architect platform, which will provide you with links to video recordings of the workshops and other training materials, viewable on desktop or mobile devices.

IFS therapy and psychedelic-assisted therapy are a great fit. It’s because of that Internal Family Systems is one of the main modalities used in MDMA trials done by MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies).

In this recorded workshop series, IFS Teacher, Robert Falconer –  co-author of “The Others Within Us: Internal Family Systems, Porous Mind, and Spirit Possession: – takes you on a journey, during which you will learn how to use IFS to support altered states of consciousness.

Bob and his guests – leaders in the field of psychedelic therapy – teach you about the application of IFS therapy during three stages of work with psychedelics – preparation, experience, and integration.

Guest Teachers: Richard Schwartz, Michael Mithoefer & Dr. Robert Grant.

Almost 12 hours of recordings, in 3 separate workshops, available now.


“Bob Falconer is in eminently talented IFS therapist and teacher. I have had the good fortune of co-assisting IFS retreats conducted by Richard Schwartz at the Esalen Institute with him for the past several years.

He brings a wealth of knowledge to his teaching and his mastery is most evident in his deep and nuanced understanding of the clinical applications of IFS to the complex areas of trauma and spirituality. Indeed, my appreciation of IFS is it expanded with every experience with Bob.

“On a personal level, he is an exceptionally real, kind, and humorous individual. Both his teaching and sharing our compelling and moving.”

Barney Jordan, PhD. IFS therapist. Counselor at the University of the Pacific. Previously served on the clinical faculty of Harvard Medical School; taught mindfulness meditation at MIT. Practicing at the interface of spirituality and psychotherapy for more than 30 years.

“Bob has a lot of experience teaching about the combination of IFS and psychedelic medicine so I really can encourage people to explore all this with him.”

Richard Schwartz – Creator of Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy.