Heart Meditation

Heart Meditation

This is a meditation I find very helpful in preparation sessions – I want to offer my thanks to a participant from a workshop that I conducted recently, who transcribed this whole meditation. It’s one I use myself often, and with a lot of people and it...
Spreading IFS in Korea

Spreading IFS in Korea

Seonghee Son is a Korean psychotherapist who has specialized in working with couples. She is trained in IFS and is also Bob’s wife. They are very happy that there are now level one and level two IFS trainings available in Korea in Korean. Seongee and Bob want to...
Sexual Abuse Trauma

Sexual Abuse Trauma

This was my primary area of focus and expertise for most of my life. It was my training ground and testing ground for various healing methods. It is still at the base of what I do. Many therapists and people today are too young to remember, but back in the 70s and 80s...